For Gods are human too...

So he made a mistake...So what? At the end of a super fast lap where he was trying to squeeze everything out of the car, seven time world drivers champion Micheal Schumacher braked a fraction too late, oversteered, almost hit the barrier and stalled in the middle of the track. By a complete coincidence, Alonso, who had set a blistering first section time on his last hot lap, happened to be behind the maestro and had to slow down for the yellow flags. He missed his pole, but what the hell, its all part of the game, accidents happen. Thats why they are called that, accidents! But no, the whole world is waiting to accuse Schumi, call him a cheat, a crook, an unscruplous, ruthless automaton. Give him a break man, he's human too. As Jean Todt rightly pointed out, this sets a terrible precedent. The very concept of driver error has been relegated to the sidelines. The only talk is of how Schumacher could make such an error. So its ok if someone else had done it? Or if the affected party was not Alonso? This is simply a publicity gimmick pulled off by Ernie, Mosely, the FIA and all the other lame people looking for a sensational story. What a sad day for Formula One...
P.S. I don't believe one word of what I've written. Why, Schumi, WHY??!
P.S. I don't believe one word of what I've written. Why, Schumi, WHY??!