Saturday, March 04, 2006


The three posts below were written under conditions of extreme duress. No harm intended to any person(s) or organization(s). Errors are regretted. I wrote them on the fly, in real time, and didn't even read through once before posting. I probably sound very very incoherent. I wasn't drunk. Really. Sorry I swore so much. Exams suck. Results suck even more. God bless us all.

Read the 'Coming soon' posts in reverse order. They just might make a little bit of sense then.

Coming Soon 3..

10.29 PM
I bolted some food down and am back here. No change. Meanwhile Anna University's website is opening. First item on the site is a tender notice to enhance bandwidth. Perhaps they need this extra BW to handle results traffic. GOD!! Somebody give them Bandwidth man pleease!!
Am trying out combos on the univ site(/results.htm /result.htm /results.html /result.html). Nothing is wroking. Should I sleep? I don't think I'll sleep a wink anyway, so what is the point??
Another 4 MB gone (I only have a thousand a month!!). It is now almost four hours to the minute since I sat at the computer. Net Gain...ZERO.
Am getting seriously pissed now. What do these people think we are? Jobless?? Well we might be, but they have no goddamn right to treat us this way anyway.
11.12 PM
"Dei the link is on". "Yaaaay finally!!"
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
Timeout expired
/results/annauniv/getresults.asp, line 59
Screw Microsoft. Some poeple never learn.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I can't take it...i'm losing pa
Power cut!! So many goddamn mosquitos and so humid....SHIT! Anyway, power back on just now...the website seems to have been set right. Ok Thank you GOD
31503106006...Submit....Result on screen at last!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Coming Soon 2...

9.55 PM
I quit dinner and try again..

Anna University Results -Nov 2005
First Private website to publish this result
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''
/anna-university-results/rankmainframe.asp, line 33
What the hell is happening man??!! This is driving me craaazy. Phone ringing. "What da whats happening??". "I'm not god..probably even God doesn't know". DAMN!!
10.00 PM
Everybody is online. I tell my friend, "Machan, I'm writing blog about this da". "Moron". And then no message. "Everybody's" blood pressure is rising!! :) Mine is ok, the whole thing looks quite funny now! But God, does this suck!! I'm also thinking of Instincts (to the uninitiated, it is SSN's very own 'cultural extravaganza') tomorrow, who the hell is going to come?? So much preparation, all in vain??
10.08 PM
I really give up this time. I have to have dinner. Its not worth starving for. I'll be back...

Coming Soon...

6.45 PM
Brilliant program on Gorbachev on the History Channel. The phone rings. Cut. Ring again. Cut. Finally, "What da????" "Results". "Damn!! Says who??", I say. "Everybody da". God its started again man, this 'everybody' is saying thing. "Are you sure machan??". "Yeah, 'everybody' says its on". Ok whatever, I think and check the website out.

Anna University B.E / B.Tech Results : November 2005
Coming Soon
Today by 7.00 pm...

I have typed my register number and hit refresh atleast a thousand times (No exaggeration!!). Still nothing (4 MB gone from Dataone account as the ad is refreshing every time). Results at 7 Pm... DAMN!!

Page refreshes. "Yaaaay finally...", I think

Anna University B.E / B.Tech Results : November 2005
Coming Soon
Today by 9.20 pm...
9.45 PM
Its still not here. I'm sick of waiting and hitting refresh. I'm hungry, sleep and disorientated. The results can go screw themselves. I'm leaving. More updates later.
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